Critanya kemaren pas lagi googling, gue ketemu ma artikel pengetahuan ni, tapi lupa link’nya…heheeheh…
So, gue cp ja d’sini, silakan baca ndiri deh…males njelasin’nya…..hehehehe……
Email, SMS, and Online Chat
Electronic text communication takes a number of different forms, chiefly email, posting to online chat rooms and newsgroups, and SMS (Short Messaging Service) messages between mobile phones.
The vocabulary, syntax, and style of electronic text communication is much more fluid than that found in formal writing, and may also be highly personalized. Electronic communication is typically very informal in nature and characterized by many features more often found in conversational speech.
Some of the more established abbreviations used in all types of electronic communication are listed below:
@ | at | MOB | mobile |
AFAIK | as far as I know | MSG | message |
AFK | away from the keyboard | MYOB | mind your own business |
ASL | age, sex, location | NE1 | anyone |
ATB | all the best | NOYB | none of your business |
B | be | NO1 | no one |
BAK | back at the keyboard | OTOH | on the other hand |
BBL | be back late(r) | OIC | oh I see |
BCNU | be seeing you | PCM | please call me |
BFN | bye for now | PLS | please |
B4 | before | PPL | people |
BRB | be right back | R | are |
BTW | by the way | ROTF(L) | rolling on the floor (laughing) |
C | see | RUOK | are you okay? |
CUL8R | see you later | SIT | stay in touch |
F2F | face to face | SOM1 | someone |
F2T | free to talk | SPK | speak |
FWIW | for what it"s worth | TTYL | talk to you later |
FYI | for your information | TX | thanks |
GAL | get a life | U | you |
GR8 | great | WAN2 | want to |
HAND | have a nice day | W/ | with |
H8 | hate | WKND | weekend |
HSIK | how should I know? | WU | what's up? |
HTH | hope this helps | X | kiss |
IANAL | I am not a lawyer, but - (as a disclaimer) | XLNT | excellent |
IMHO | in my humble opinion | XOXOX | hugs and kisses |
IMO | in my opinion | YMMV | your mileage may vary (i.e. your experience may differ) |
IOW | in other words | YR | your |
JIC | just in case | 2 | to, too |
JK | just kidding | 2DAY | today |
KIT | keep in touch | 2MORO | tomorrow |
KWIM | know what I mean | 2NITE | tonight |
L8R | later | 3SUM | threesome |
LOL | lots of luck / laughing out loud | 4 | for |
Emoticons typically represent a facial expression and are used chiefly to mark the tone of the preceding sentence or to indicate the writer's feelings. The following are some of the more commonly seen:
:-) | happy (a 'smiley') | :-( | unhappy |
:-D | laughing | :-|| | angry |
;-) | winking; just kidding | :-V | shouting |
:-* | kiss | |-O | yawning |
:-o | surprised | :-Q | I don't understand |
:-( | frowning | :-& | tongue-tied |
:-c | very unhappy | :-X | my lips are sealed |
X= | fngers crossed | :-P | sticking one's tongue out |
:'-( | crying | :-/ | sceptical |
:-| | bored, indifferent | :-Y | aside comment |
Smoga bermanfaat….GBU
Hendry Che.
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